Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Garu Garu 2

The longer half, this wraps up the series and does manage to pop out some pretty bad ass final moments that justified some of the slog.
The killer's overclocked mind generally worked; the Warren Ellis wet dream surveillance hacker hive mind utterly failed; the likable characters generally wrapped up the way they needed to, but the two characters from Bow Wow! didn't work at all.
I got totally blind-sided when the dumb detective character suddenly reveals that the master of disguise villain has been disguised as her brother for two months. That bit alone made the climax, although the psycho killer getting to tag team the villain with the girl he loved (who totally just swings her sword, confident that he'll back flip over it) was pretty sweet as well.
I've occasionally argued that an author's failures sometimes help you to understand why their successes work so well, but I can't say I gained any useful knowledge from this series. I don't think I even managed a post that makes any fucking sense to anyone but me.
Time to read something good. Or time to dig into the pile of manga that threatens to overwhelm my coffee table.

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